Lawson Dalton

Why Do Wounds Itch - Scratching the Surface

Why Do Wounds Itch? Scratching the Surface

Lawson Dalton

When you experience a wound on your body, whether it’s from injury, surgery or another cause, the body immediately begins ...

Wound Healing

Signs That the Wound Healing Process Is or Isn’t Working

Lawson Dalton

To know if your wound care is working, monitor the wound healing process for these signs. Different wound types require ...

Infected Wound

8 Signs You Have an Infected Wound: Warning Signals

Lawson Dalton

Whether you are recovering from surgery or injury, it is important to keep an eye out for a possible wound ...

Do Antibiotics Improve Wound Healing - To Heal or Not to Heal

Do Antibiotics Improve Wound Healing? To Heal or Not to Heal

Lawson Dalton

From abrasions, lacerations, punctures, and more, there are many types of wounds that can damage the skin and keep it ...

How to Heal a Scab - How To Talk Your Bumps Back to Beautiful Skin

How to Heal a Scab: How To Talk Your Bumps Back to Beautiful Skin

Lawson Dalton

Scabs are signs of healthy healing, forming as protective layers over damaged skin to prevent infection and blood loss. Once ...

When and How to Use Hydrogel for Wound Care - When Are They the Right Choice

When and How to Use Hydrogel for Wound Care: When Are They the Right Choice?

Lawson Dalton

Hydrogel dressings are a great way to provide hydration to your wound. The benefits of using hydrogel-based dressings for wound care are ...

The Best and Worst Ideas for Open Wounds - The Do's and Don'ts

The Best and Worst Ideas for Open Wounds: The Do’s and Don’ts

Lawson Dalton

Clean gauze, mild solutions, and sterile tweezers are best for cleaning open wounds. Using the right open wound treatment can ...

Understanding Wound Healing and the Itching Dilemma - The Unseen Journey

Understanding Wound Healing and the Itching Dilemma: The Unseen Journey

Lawson Dalton

Placing a basic wound dressing around a wound can help prevent clothing from rubbing against and irritating the affected area. ...